Sunday, February 26, 2006

The Appalachian Trail, baby!

Here's the deal: I've wanted to hike the Appalachian Trail for years now, but could never get the money and the time off from work at the same time. Then I read Bill Bryson's book and decided to just section-hike the darn thing. That was the fall of 2000; and by spring 2001 I was on the trail.

My plan then, as now, is to section-hike using my vacation time-off from work. The first year, I was on the trail April 1 to April 12. The second year, I hiked April 13 to April 26. Next year, I'll be back hiking the 27th. And so on until I'm done.

I'm adding my journal notes from last year and this, and intend to keep this online journal up-to-date on my future section hikes.—Bedouin


I bought my ticket. Now I'm getting scared -- I feel like I have to actually go now that I spent $400 on a plane ticket. Still haven't arranged transportation from Atlanta to the trailhead and back.


Now I'm nervous. It started yesterday. I have my ride to Amicolola Falls set, and a place at the Amicolola Falls Lodge for Saturday night. Now I just need a ride back. Absolutely no appetite.


Yesterday I posted to BayAreaHiking with the suggestion of a pool: whoever guesses closest to my mileage wins a 6-pack of Blenheim ginger ale. Hamid says 160 miles, Bill says 130 and the NOC. He also says be sure to hit the Blueberry Patch.

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